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MLLT10/AF10 targets DOT1L-H3K79 methylation to Wnt target genes and is essential for transcription elongation.

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posted on 2010-11-16, 02:33 authored by Tokameh Mahmoudi, Sylvia F. Boj, Pantelis Hatzis, Vivian S. W. Li, Nadia Taouatas, Robert G. J. Vries, Hans Teunissen, Harry Begthel, Jeroen Korving, Shabaz Mohammed, Albert J. R. Heck, Hans Clevers

(A) Expression levels of MLLT10/AF10, β-catenin, DOT1L, and Tubulin analyzed by Western blotting after siRNA depletion of MLLT10/AF10. ChIP experiments in Ls174T CRCs containing or depleted of MLLT10/AF10 by siRNA using antibodies against (B) TCF4, (C) β-catenin, (D) MLLT10/AF10, (E) DOT1L, (F) H3K79 dimethyl, (G) H3K79 trimethyl, (H) H3K4trimethyl, (I) RNA Pol II, (J) RNA Pol II Ser2P, and (K) RNA Pol II Ser5P. Immunoprecipitated DNA was analyzed by qPCR using primers specific for AXIN2 and c-MYC promoters and unbound AXIN2 upstream control region. Results are presented as percent immunoprecipitated over input and are representative of three independent experiments.
