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Histopathological manifestations of radiation enteropathy.

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posted on 2013-07-25, 03:01 authored by Marjan Boerma, Junru Wang, Vijayalakshmi Sridharan, Jean-Marc Herbert, Martin Hauer-Jensen

Xaliproden significantly reduced mucosal surface area (A) at 12 weeks after local irradiation of the small intestine, and enhanced radiation injury score (B), intestinal wall thickness (C) and serosal thickness (D) at 2 weeks and 12 weeks after irradiation. Average ± SEM, n = 5 (sham-irradiated) or 13–15 (irradiated). *p<0.05, p<0.001. Representative micrographs of histopathological stainings are shown in Figure S3.
