Figure_5.tif (1.05 MB)

Heatmap showing cell surface staining for dendritic cells, macrophages and B cells.

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posted on 2014-08-27, 03:08 authored by Deborah Ferguson, Giada Mattiuzzo, Claire Ham, Richard Stebbings, Bo Li, Nicola J. Rose, Edward T. Mee, Deborah Smith, Mark Page, Martin P. Cranage, Neil Almond, Greg J. Towers, Neil J. Berry

Staining intensities are as indicated shown for dendritic cell markers (DC-SIGN, S100, CD40, CD11c, CD123, CD86), macrophages (CD68) and B cells (CD20). Relative localisation of staining within each tissue are represented by: pc – paracortex, rp – red pulp, wp - white pulp, gc – germinal centre, mg – follicular marginal/mantle zone, ms – medullary sinuses, c – crypts, lp – lamina propria, within each main tissue type. Mab, monoclonal antibody. IHC gradings: pale yellow (no staining, −); yellow (very low, +); dark yellow (low, ++), red (medium, +++) and magenta (high, ++++).
