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Experimental results.

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posted on 2010-02-22, 00:36 authored by Cedric Bouzigues, David Holcman, Maxime Dahan

A. Axonal growth cone with microtubule staining (red) and QD labeling of γ2 sub-unit of GABAARs (blue) in the absence of stimulation. The scale bar represents 10 µm. B. Model for the redistribution of the GABAARs (blue dots) and MTs reorganization (red lines) in a GC membrane submitted to a GABA gradient (grey arrow). A pipette is placed perpendicularly to the axon axis at ≈100 µm of the GC and ejects GABA periodically (2 Hz) to create a permanent gradient. The average position of the receptors is marked by the black target. C. Time-evolution of the average GABAARs position along the x-axis [24]. The red curve is a heuristic fit providing the redistribution half-time  = 10.3+/−0.2 min, amplitude  = 3.6+/−0.1 µm and  = 4.9+/−0.4.
