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Experimental determination of electric fields generated by the bioelectric dressing.

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posted on 2014-03-03, 03:29 authored by Jaideep Banerjee, Piya Das Ghatak, Sashwati Roy, Savita Khanna, Emily K. Sequin, Karen Bellman, Bryan C. Dickinson, Prerna Suri, Vish V. Subramaniam, Christopher J. Chang, Chandan K. Sen

(A) Voltage measurements from an experiment with a Zn (99.994% pure) and silver (99.998% pure) foil immersed in 100 mL of de-ionized water. (B) Schematic showing the computational grid and boundary conditions used to calculate the magnitude and extent of the electric fields under the bioelectric dressing presumed to be in contact with H2O. (C, D) Contour plots of calculated values of the electric potential for 0.2 V and 1 V potential difference, respectively. (E, F) Electric fields from the solution of the 2-D Laplace equation for the particular case of 0.2 V and 1 V potential difference, respectively between the silver and the zinc dots. (G,H) Expanded view of the electric field vectors between adjacent pairs of electrodes for potential difference of 0.2 V and 1 V respectively.
