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Experimental design.

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posted on 2015-03-16, 02:58 authored by Eleonora Bassino, Sara Fornero, Maria Pia Gallo, Clara Gallina, Saveria Femminò, Renzo Levi, Bruno Tota, Giuseppe Alloatti

Control group (CTRL) cardiomyocytes were superfused/reperfused with Tyrode standard solution for 25 min. Ischemic/reperfused group (I/R): superfusion with Tyrode standard for 5 min, ischemic buffer (IB) for 15 min, and Tyrode standard (reperfusion) for 5 min. Ischemic + Cst group (Cst): superfusion with Tyrode standard + 5 nM Cst for 5 min, IB + 5 nM Cst for 15 min, and Tyrode standard alone for 5 min (reperfusion). Wortmannin (Cst + Wm), L-NMMA (Cst + L-NMMA) and ODQ (Cst + ODQ) groups: cardiomyocytes were treated as Cst group, in the presence of 100 nM Wm, 1 mM L-NMMA or 100 μM ODQ together with 5 nM Cst.
