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DNAJB12 induces formation of DJANGOS.

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posted on 2014-04-14, 03:10 authored by Edward C. Goodwin, Nasim Motamedi, Alex Lipovsky, Rubén Fernández-Busnadiego, Daniel DiMaio

Immunofluorescent staining of DJANGOS in cells over-expressing HA-tagged DNAJB12 (A–F) or DNAJB12 fused to tGFP (G–I), detected with anti-HA or anti-tGFP antibodies (both green), respectively. All images except (F) are from confocal stacks compressed along the Z-axis to create a single image. A. HeLa cells were also stained with anti-PDI (red) and DAPI (blue, to visualize nuclei). B–E. HeLa cell nuclei displaying different varieties of DJANGOS. F. Single confocal slice midway up the nucleus showing regular distribution of DJANGOS under the nuclear envelope in a HeLa cell. G and H. Nuclei of human foreskin fibroblasts and CV1 monkey cells, respectively. I. Rare cytoplasmic form of DJANGOS, seen here at lower magnification in a HeLa cell lacking the more common nuclear forms.
