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Classification of protein components detected in CaOx kidney stones.

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posted on 2013-07-09, 01:36 authored by Nobuaki Okumura, Masao Tsujihata, Chikahiro Momohara, Iwao Yoshioka, Kouzou Suto, Norio Nonomura, Akihiko Okuyama, Toshifumi Takao

Extracts from 9 individual CaOx stone samples were examined separately by shotgun analysis as shown in Fig. 3, and the results in detail were presented in Table S1. As summarized in this figure, a total of 92 proteins were identified in this analysis. These proteins could be classified into three major groups according to their possible origins, i. e., kidney proteins, blood proteins and leucocyte-related proteins. Proteins in each group were further classified into subgroups.
