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posted on 2015-05-04, 03:18 authored by Ole Lamp, Michael Derno, Winfried Otten, Manfred Mielenz, Gerd Nürnberg, Björn Kuhla

Effect of heat stress (HS) and pair-feeding (PF) on (A) plasma noradrenaline and (B) adrenaline. In experimental period 1 (P1) all animals were kept at thermoneutral conditions (THI = 59.7) with ad-libitum feeding for six days. During period 2 (P2), HS cows (red lines) were heat-stressed (THI = 76.1), whereas PF cows (blue lines) were pair-fed in thermoneutrality (THI = 60.0) for six days, once ante partum (ap, dashed lines) and again post-partum (pp, solid lines). All data given as mean ± SEM; for P1 the mean of the last days of period 1 is given as used for baseline correction. Numbers of animals analyzed per group: HSap n = 7, PFap n = 6, HSpp n = 6, PFpp n = 6.
