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CD11b-deficiency diminished AF vulnerability and preserved conduction velocity following angiotensin II treatment.

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posted on 2014-02-18, 02:48 authored by Kai Friedrichs, Matti Adam, Lisa Remane, Martin Mollenhauer, Volker Rudolph, Tanja K. Rudolph, René P. Andrié, Florian Stöckigt, Jan W. Schrickel, Thorben Ravekes, Florian Deuschl, Georg Nickenig, Stephan Willems, Stephan Baldus, Anna Klinke

(A, B) Number and total time of AF-episodes during an electrophysiological stimulation procedure in WT and CD11b−/− mice upon vehicle or Ang II application. *  =  p<0.05. (C) Example electrical tracings of surface and intracardiac leads from Ang II treated WT and CD11b−/− mice during electrophysiological burst stimulation with cycle length of 20 ms. (D) Electrical conduction velocity in propagation direction as assessed by epicardial mapping of Langendorff-perfused hearts of WT and CD11b−/− mice. ***  =  p<0.001. (E) Representative examples of conduction properties of epicardial activation mapping.
