Figure_4.tif (2.68 MB)

Binary online accuracies (left column) and estimated bit rates (middle column) in the CopyTask for patients 1–3.

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posted on 2014-08-27, 02:57 authored by Johannes Höhne, Elisa Holz, Pit Staiger-Sälzer, Klaus-Robert Müller, Andrea Kübler, Michael Tangermann

Each bar represents one block of at least 20 trials. Session numbers are specified in blue color (left column). Session numbers with a * mark sessions with significant online BCI control across all trials ( test with p<0.05). For patient 2, results for session 3 had to be disregarded due to technical problems. The right column depicts the scalp patterns of the most discriminant spectral features, based on data from all sessions. Results for Patient 4 are shown in Fig. 5.
