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Aggressive papillomas and soft tissue sarcomas inAID-Cre-YFP KrasG12D Arf−/− mice.

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posted on 2013-06-25, 03:33 authored by Chelsea D. Mullins, Mack Y. Su, Vishwanathan Hucthagowder, Liang Chu, Lan Lu, Shashikant Kulkarni, Deborah Novack, Ravi Vij, Michael H. Tomasson

A) Gross appearance of progressive tumors affecting an AID-Cre-YFP KrasG12D Arf −/− mouse at 13 weeks of age. Tumors progressed rapidly from smaller papillomas on the ventral neck. B) Control AID-Cre-YFP Arf −/− control mouse at 13 weeks appears normal. Hematoxalin & eosin stains of C) spleen section from AID-Cre-YFP KrasG12D Arf −/− shows disruption of splenic architecture by inflammatory cells; D) spleen section from AID-Cre-YFP Arf −/− control appears normal; and E) section of subcutaneous sarcoma from AID-Cre-YFP KrasG12D Arf −/− at 13 weeks shows spindle shaped cells consistent with soft tissue sarcoma. Original magnification, x10 (spleen); x40 (sarcoma). Scale bar: 200 um (spleen); 50 um (sarcoma). Tumor development was uniform in AID-Cre-YFP KrasG12D Arf −/− mice and did not require any tumor-promoting treatment. Representative images are shown.
