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125I-SI Ang II binding comparison.

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posted on 2014-08-22, 03:18 authored by Robert C. Speth, Eduardo J. Carrera, Catalina Bretón, Andrea Linares, Luz Gonzalez-Reiley, Jamala D. Swindle, Kira L. Santos, Ines Schadock, Michael Bader, Vardan T. Karamyan

Comparison of 125I-SI Ang II binding in the brains of a representative neurolysin KO (right panels) and WT (left panels) mouse strain in the presence of PCMB, losartan, and PD123319. Approximate coordinates relative to Bregma: +3.56 mm for WT and +3.32 mm for KO. Top row shows thionin-stained coronal sections adjacent to the sections used to generate the autoradiograms for “total” (middle panels) and “non-specific” (lower panels) of 125I-SI Ang II binding. Binding is represented in pseudocolor. The vertical calibration bar represents the relationship between 125I-SI Ang II binding density and the color spectrum. The blue horizontal calibration bar shown in the upper left panel  = 1 mm. This pattern is repeated for Figures 312.
