pgen.1009094.g007.tif (546.78 kB)

ZMIZ1△N185 expression transforms immortalized keratinocytes.

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posted on 2021-08-16, 17:39 authored by Aziz Aiderus, Justin Y. Newberg, Liliana Guzman-Rojas, Ana M. Contreras-Sandoval, Amanda L. Meshey, Devin J. Jones, Felipe Amaya-Manzanares, Roberto Rangel, Jerrold M. Ward, Song-Choon Lee, Kenneth Hon-Kim Ban, Keith Rogers, Susan M. Rogers, Luxmanan Selvanesan, Leslie A. McNoe, Neal G. Copeland, Nancy A. Jenkins, Kenneth Y. Tsai, Michael A. Black, Karen M. Mann, Michael B. Mann

HaCaT cells were transfected with a Myc-tagged cDNA for full length or the truncated ZMIZ1△N185 isoform (A) and protein expression was confirmed using a Myc antibody. (B) Colony-formation assays showed that HaCaT cells with ZMIZ1△N185 expression form a greater number of colonies (top inset) and larger colonies (bottom inset) relative to HaCaT cells expressing the myc-tagged full length ZMIZ1 or empty vector control. Depletion of ZMIZ1 and ZMIZ2 in cuSCC cell lines decreases cell proliferation. Stable shRNA-mediated depletion of ZMIZ1 or ZMIZ22 in human cuSCC cell lines (D-E) A431 or (F-G) COLO16 confirmed by TaqMan analysis relative to cells transduced with a non-targeting shRNA (NTC). ZMIZ1 or ZMIZ2 depletion resulted in significantly decreased cellular proliferation in (E) A431 cells (overall P<0.0001; shNTC vs. shZMIZ1 q<0.0001; shNTC vs. shZMIZ2 q = 0.003; shZMIZ1 vs. shZMIZ2 q = 0.0023). (F) COLO16 (overall P = 0.0005; shNTC vs. shZMIZ1 q<0.0001; shNTC vs. shZMIZ2 q<0.0001; shZMIZ1 vs. shZMIZ2 q = 0.18). Statistical significance measured by 2-factor ANOVA followed by multiple pairwise comparisons and FDR-adjusted.
