pone.0262488.g004.tif (179.84 kB)

ZHX3 is involved in senescent phenotypes.

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posted on 2022-01-27, 18:41 authored by Tomoka Igata, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kan Etoh, Seonghyeon Hong, Naoki Tani, Tomoaki Koga, Mitsuyoshi Nakao

(A) Schematic diagram of the Zhx3 gene locus in wild type (WT) and Zhx3-knockout (KO) alleles. Arrows indicate primers used for genotyping PCR. (B) Genotyping PCR of WT, heterozygous and homozygous Zhx3-KO mice. (C) RT-qPCR analysis of p16INK4a in tissues of 7-week-old WT and KO mice. Values shown are mean +/- standard deviation (each n = 3), using the Student’s t-test (*p<0.05, **p<0.01). (D) Kaplan-Meier survival curves of male WT and Zhx3-KO mice (each n = 9). (E) Proposed model of the role of ZHX3 in preventing cellular senescence. ZHX3 and its cofactors (ACLY and RNA metabolism proteins) suppress p16INK4a and ribosomal RNA gene transcription, which promotes mitochondrial–nucleolar activation in senescent cells.
