pbio.3002372.s005.tif (3.92 MB)

Yep1 self-interaction, the predicted structure of the Yep1 dimer, and the predicted topology of Yep1.

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posted on 2023-11-08, 18:52 authored by Chen-Xi Zou, Zhu-Hui Ma, Zhao-Di Jiang, Zhao-Qian Pan, Dan-Dan Xu, Fang Suo, Guang-Can Shao, Meng-Qiu Dong, Li-Lin Du

(A) Yep1 exhibited self-interaction in the BiFC assay. Log-phase cells expressing Yep1-VenusN173 alone, Yep1-VenusC155 alone, or both were examined by fluorescence microscopy. Bar, 5 μm. (B) The predicted aligned error (PAE) plot and pLDDT plot of the AlphaFold-Multimer-predicted structure of the Yep1 homodimer shown in Fig 3F. (C) TOPCONS membrane protein topology prediction for Yep1. (D) Schematics of wild-type and truncated Yep1. (E) Yep1 (35–166) did not interact with full-length Yep1 in a co-immunoprecipitation analysis. (F) Yep1 (79–166) did not interact with full-length Yep1 in a co-immunoprecipitation analysis. (G) Yep1 (1–97) did not exhibit self-interaction in a co-immunoprecipitation analysis. (H) Yep1 (1–113) exhibited self-interaction in a co-immunoprecipitation analysis. Numerical data underlying panels B and C can be found in S1 Data, and raw images for panel E-H can be found in S1 Raw Images.

