pone.0246611.g002.tif (778.46 kB)

Workflow from B-mode ultrasound image acquisition and processing to machine-learning (ML) model training and real-time muscle length tracking.

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posted on 2021-05-27, 00:17 authored by Luis G. Rosa, Jonathan S. Zia, Omer T. Inan, Gregory S. Sawicki

A) In each frame, a B-mode image containing human soleus muscle fascicle (yellow line) is captured via ultrasound probe. B-C) Training and ground truth muscle fascicle length change data sets are obtained via UltraTrack software. D-E) Images in each frame are cropped and down-sampled using Python code to implement open-source functions. F) A machine learning (ML) model is trained using outputs from C and E. G) Unique images not seen by the ML model in the training stage are fed into the ML model. H) The ML model yields pseudo real-time muscle fascicle length measurements. I) Performance metrics are calculated (e.g., RMS error and correlation), to compare ML-derived measurements to the ground truth.
