pone.0257098.s008.tif (4.8 MB)

Wild type mouse lens data chart.

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posted on 2021-09-14, 17:23 authored by Ariel M. Alperstein, Kathleen S. Molnar, Sidney S. Dicke, Kieran M. Farrell, Leah N. Makley, Martin T. Zanni, Usha P. Andley

The wild type mouse lens replicates are listed on the left column, with each slice of tissue measured divided by a horizontal line. The diagonal ratio image, cross peak image, and the 2D contour plot have the same bounds, normalization, and color bars as shown in Fig 3 for the images and Fig 1 for the contour plot. The white dot in the images corresponds to the location of the 2D contour plot shown in the last column. Images that are not a full lens shaped circle were not fully collected (i.e. only half of the lens slice was imaged, or some of the lens slice was ripped off and only the non-ripped portion is imaged). Wild type mouse lens replicate 1 corresponds to bar 3 in Fig 5, wild type mouse lens replicate 2 corresponds to bar 4 in Fig 5, and wild type mouse lens replicate 5 corresponds to bar 5 in Fig 5.

