ppat.1011815.g001.tif (283.64 kB)

Western blot of sheep with clinical signs after inoculation with the WTD scrapie agent.

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posted on 2023-12-04, 18:34 authored by Robyn D. Kokemuller, S. Jo Moore, Jifeng Bian, M. Heather West Greenlee, Justin J. Greenlee

Western blot comparison of sheep samples inoculated with WTD scrapie to the original No.13-7 classical scrapie inoculum, deer CWD, and x-124 classical scrapie. Monoclonal antibody 12B2 (epitope 93-WGQGG-97) were used for the detection of PrPSc. Lane 1, normal sheep brain sample without PK treatment; lanes 2–9 samples of prion-diseased sheep treated with PK; lane 10, normal sheep brain sample treated with PNGase F; lanes 11–17 samples of prion-diseased sheep treated with PK and PNGase F. Sheep numbers 1, 2, 3 and 6 from the present study are indicated in magenta. Sheep inoculated with the WTD scrapie agent have a western blot pattern that is similar to deer CWD. This patterning was not dependent on sheep genotype or the brain region from deer with which they were inoculated. WTDsc, white-tailed deer inoculated with sheep classical scrapie No.13-7. The positions of molecular weight markers 37-, 25-, and 20-kDa are shown to the left of the blots.
