pone.0247534.s001.png (577.64 kB)

Water chemistry, environmental parameters, and system inputs measured throughout the study period.

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posted on 2021-02-23, 18:25 authored by Jessica A. Day, Christian Diener, Anne E. Otwell, Kourtney E. Tams, Brad Bebout, Angela M. Detweiler, Michael D. Lee, Madeline T. Scott, Wilson Ta, Monica Ha, Shienna A. Carreon, Kenny Tong, Abdirizak A. Ali, Sean M. Gibbons, Nitin S. Baliga

Lines denote LOESS smoothed curves for each inoculum and bands denote 95% confidence intervals of the regression. Indicated p-values were obtained from individual t-tests of CIT vs EIT systems.

