pone.0256846.g004.tif (1.58 MB)

WNT10A and EBF1 expression in human scalp hair follicles.

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posted on 2021-09-10, 17:37 authored by Lara M. Hochfeld, Marta Bertolini, David Broadley, Natalia V. Botchkareva, Regina C. Betz, Susanne Schoch, Markus M. Nöthen, Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach

Representative images of WNT10A and EBF1 protein expression in microdissected human scalp hair follicles from three different donors (independent experiments). (A) Cytosolic expression of WNT10A (green, Alexa Fluor 488) in outer and inner root sheath and hair shaft keratinocytes. (B) Nucleic expression of EBF1 (green, Alexa FLuor 488) in the dermal papilla, hair matrix, hair shaft as well as outer and inner root sheath keratinocytes. (C) Expression of WNT10A and EBF1 in the hair follicle bulge area. Nuclear counterstaining for all images was performed with DAPI (blue). (D) Illustration of EBF1 (yellow) and WNT10A (pink) expression and co-localization (orange) in microdissected human anagen hair follicles. S3 Fig additionally provides a higher magnification. CTS—connective tissue sheath, DAPI—4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, DP—dermal papilla, HM—hair matrix, HS—hair shaft, IRS—inner root sheath, ORS—outer root sheath. Original magnification ×200.
