pone.0250598.g002.tif (881.3 kB)

Visuo-motor, fine motor, form recognition (Visual), and attention skills assessed in mTBI and controls.

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posted on 2021-04-27, 17:25 authored by Mariagrazia Benassi, Davide Frattini, Sara Garofalo, Roberto Bolzani, Tony Pansell

(A) VMI-6 test scores indicated difficulties in the mTBI group as compared to the control group for all VMI-6 test speed scales (Error bars indicate standard error mean). (B) The mTBI group exhibited lower performances in both RSAT scales when considering the velocity of response. (C) The mean CFF threshold distribution for mTBI and control group across the visual field indicated difficulties in mTBI as compared to Controls when the stimulus is presented 13° Left position as compared to Foveal position.
