pone.0262080.g006.tif (1.22 MB)

Visualization of hyporheic water exchange in an annular flume.

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posted on 2022-01-14, 18:26 authored by Geoffrey C. Poole, S. Kathleen Fogg, Scott J. O’Daniel, Byron E. Amerson, Ann Marie Reinhold, Samuel P. Carlson, Elizabeth J. Mohr, Hayley C. Oakland

(a) Cut-away diagram of the annular flume. (b) Observed (points) and modeled (line) surface water specific conductance. Modeled data derived by fitting values of τn and α to observed data using Eqs 15 and 16. (c) Visualized relationship among water age, hyporheic exchange, and interstitial water storage in the flume. Grey wedges represent aquifer discharge rates for a period of 10 seconds.
