pone.0297800.g008.tif (901.39 kB)

Variations of vascular dissection treatment options.

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posted on 2024-02-08, 18:52 authored by Viktor Hartung, Anne Marie Augustin, Jan-Peter Grunz, Henner Huflage, Jan-Lucca Hennes, Florian Kleefeldt, Süleyman Ergün, Dominik Peter, Sven Lichthardt, Thorsten Alexander Bley, Philipp Gruschwitz

A Intravascular stent positioning (top: E-LuminexxTM, 8/30 mm; Becton Dickinson | middle: Herkulink EliteTM, 7/18 mm; Abbott | bottom: AbsoluteProTM, 9/80 mm; Abbott). B/C Endovascular dissection repair system (Tack® 6F, 6 x 8 mm; Philips) before (B) and after (C) stent release D/E Multiple stent system (VascuFlex® Multi-LOC, 6 x 13 mm; B. Braun) before (D) and after (E) stent release.
