pone.0259185.s007.tif (1.98 MB)

Variant c.1303delA in the gene ACVR2A.

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posted on 2021-11-29, 18:50 authored by Claudia Perne, Sophia Peters, Maria Cartolano, Sukanya Horpaopan, Christina Grimm, Janine Altmüller, Anna K. Sommer, Axel M. Hillmer, Holger Thiele, Margarete Odenthal, Gabriela Möslein, Ronja Adam, Sugirthan Sivalingam, Jutta Kirfel, Michal R. Schweiger, Martin Peifer, Isabel Spier, Stefan Aretz

As an example, the 1 bp deletion c.1303delA in ACVR2A within a mononucleotide repeat in polyp 1275.1–3 is depicted (Screenshot of the Integrative Genomics Viewer, not all reads are shown).

