pone.0256903.g002.tif (652.08 kB)

Variable days with symptoms (difference between date of admission and date of the beginning of symptoms) related to lag variables for the use of each drug.

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posted on 2021-09-14, 17:30 authored by Pia Clara Pafundi, Raffaele Galiero, Vittorio Simeon, Luca Rinaldi, Alessandro Perrella, Erica Vetrano, Alfredo Caturano, Maria Alfano, Domenico Beccia, Riccardo Nevola, Raffaele Marfella, Celestino Sardu, Carmine Coppola, Ferdinando Scarano, Paolo Maggi, Pellegrino De Lucia Sposito, Laura Vocciante, Carolina Rescigno, Costanza Sbreglia, Fiorentino Fraganza, Roberto Parrella, Annamaria Romano, Giosuele Calabria, Benedetto Polverino, Antonio Pagano, Carolina Bologna, Maria Amitrano, Vincenzo Esposito, Nicola Coppola, Nicola Maturo, Luigi Elio Adinolfi, Paolo Chiodini, Ferdinando Carlo Sasso

Comparison of days with symptoms related to lag variables for each treatment in analysis. Box and whisker plots were used in each panel. Box describes median and interquartile range; whiskers were represented using Tukey method and points describe outliers. The median and Interquartile Range [IQR] for each lag and treatment were reported. Kruskal-Wallis (KW) test, rank-based nonparametric test, was used to determine if there were statistically significant differences between lag variables group in each treatment. When the KW test was significant, post hoc analysis was performed using the Dunn’s (D) test with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. P-value is reported. Cortison therapy: No treatment -6 [-9, -3]; Early Treatment -6 [-10, -4]; Late Treatment -7 [-10, -3.5]; KW p = 0.47. Hydroxychloroquine therapy: No treatment -5 [-10, -2]; Early Treatment -7 [-9.5, -4]; Late Treatment -6 [-9, -4]; KW p = 0.055. mAbs therapy: No treatment -6 [-9, -3]; Early Treatment -6 [-8, -5]; Late Treatment -7 [-10, -5]; KW p = 0.24. Antibiotics therapy: No treatment -5 [-10, -2]; Early Treatment -6 [-9, -4]; Late Treatment -8 [-13, -4]; KW p = 0.034; D—No Treat vs Early Treat p = 0.09, No Treat vs Late Treat p = 0.02, Early Treat vs Late Treat p = 0.21. Anticoagulants therapy: No treatment -5 [-8, -2]; Early Treatment -7 [-10, -4]; Late Treatment -7 [-10, -4]; KW p = 0.011; D—No Treat vs Early Treat p = 0.02, No Treat vs Late Treat p = 0.01, Early Treat vs Late Treat p = 0.64. Antiviral therapy: No treatment -4 [-8, -2]; Early Treatment -7 [-10, -4]; Late Treatment -7 [-9, -5]; KW p = 0.009; D—No Treat vs Early Treat p = 0.01, No Treat vs Late Treat p = 0.009, Early Treat vs Late Treat p = 0.44.
