pone.0293184.g001.tif (457.22 kB)

Vaccine uptake at December 31, 2022, by % of population that strongly disagrees that vaccines are safe.

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posted on 2023-11-02, 17:50 authored by Javad Moradpour, Ali Shajarizadeh, Jasmine Carter, Ayman Chit, Paul Grootendorst

Note: Each panel highlights observations on countries in a different income quintile and fits a spline curve to these observations. Countries in which more than 7% of the population strongly disagrees that vaccines are safe are labelled. FRA = France, HRV = Croatia, SRB = Serbia, UKR = Ukraine, ARM = Armenia, AZE = Azerbaijan, BIH = Bosnia and Herzegovina, KAZ = Kazakhstan, MKD = North Macedonia, TGO = Togo.
