ppat.1009402.g004.tif (1.33 MB)

VP1 F514I does not prevent persistence of CR6 and can emerge after PO inoculation in the absence of IFN signaling.

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posted on 2021-03-11, 18:55 authored by Forrest C. Walker, Ebrahim Hassan, Stefan T. Peterson, Rachel Rodgers, Lawrence A. Schriefer, Cassandra E. Thompson, Yuhao Li, Gowri Kalugotla, Carla Blum-Johnston, Dylan Lawrence, Broc T. McCune, Vincent R. Graziano, Larissa Lushniak, Sanghyun Lee, Alexa N. Roth, Stephanie M. Karst, Timothy J. Nice, Jonathan J. Miner, Craig B. Wilen, Megan T. Baldridge

(A,B) WT or Stat1-/- mice were orally inoculated with 106 PFU of CR6 or CR6F514I, and analyzed for weight loss to 21 dpi (A), and tissue viral levels at 21 dpi (B). In (A), boxes with crosses indicate infected animals that died before day 7; dashed line indicates the 80% of initial weight cutoff at which mice were sacrificed. N = 9–13 mice per group over at least two independent experiments, with statistical analyses performed as in Fig 3. (C,D) cDNA from the indicated tissues (shown with yellow squares for the converter and white squares for non-converters) from individual Stat1-/- mice infected with CR6 and sacrificed at (C) 21 dpi or (D) 5 dpi (data repeated from Fig 3F) was PCR amplified and Sanger sequenced around nucleotide position 6595 of the MNoV genome; X indicates position 6595. Dashed lines indicate limit of detection for assays. ***, P < 0.001; **, P < 0.01; *, P < 0.05; ns, not significant.
