pone.0259158.g002.tif (1.4 MB)

Upregulation of BAFF-RFP in cDC and MO myeloid subsets after S. typhimurium infection.

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posted on 2021-10-27, 17:30 authored by Runa Kuley, Kevin E. Draves, Deborah H. Fuller, Natalia V. Giltiay, Edward A. Clark, Daniela Giordano

WT and BAFF-RFP+/- mice were infected i.p. with 500 CFU S. typhimurium and BAFF-RFP+ cell populations from naïve, day 3 and day 4 infected spleens were analyzed by flow cytometry. (A) BAFF-RFP expression from cDC subsets (CD8+ cDC and CD8- cDC) and MO subsets (Ly6Chi MO and Ly6Chi DC) from naïve and day 4 S. typhimurium infected mice are shown as representative histograms from three independent experiments. Numbers in the plots indicate the percentage of BAFF-RFP+ cells. (B) Bar graphs (means ± SEM) indicate the percentage of BAFF-RFP+ cells and dotted lines show the percentage of RFP background signal in WT cells. Data are combined from three independent experiments (n = 6–9). Statistics were determined with one-way ANOVA with Holm–Sidak method for multiple comparisons test. * p <0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p <0.001.
