ppat.1011814.s008.tif (1.92 MB)

Type of domain found in K13 compartment proteins coincide with functional group.

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posted on 2023-12-01, 18:47 authored by Sabine Schmidt, Jan Stephan Wichers-Misterek, Hannah Michaela Behrens, Jakob Birnbaum, Isabelle G. Henshall, Jana Dröge, Ernst Jonscher, Sven Flemming, Carolina Castro-Peña, Paolo Mesén-Ramírez, Tobias Spielmann

(A) Full domain names and Interpro domain numbers for each domain in Fig 5 with indication in which K13-compartment members these proteins occur. For each newly identified domain a brief summary of its reported function is given. Colours are as in Fig 5. (B) Full length AlphaFold predictions for each K13-compartment member in which new domains were identified. New domains are coloured as in A and Fig 5. For UBP1 no prediction was available in the EMBL-AlphaFold database, and the structure was predicted in fragments as described in the methods. The predicted fragment containing the newly identified domain is shown. (C) Full length structure of PF3D7_1365800, with AH domain in green. PF3D7_1365800 AH domain in green aligned with the most similar domain from the PDB. PDB ID and alignment details are indicated beneath each set of aligned domains. Brief summary about the AH domain and its Interpro ID are given.

