pone.0204523.g006.tif (1.12 MB)

Translaminar activity of OXPT, CHT, AZ.

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posted on 2018-09-27, 17:53 authored by Yigal Cohen, Avia Evgenia Rubin, Mariana Galperin

MPD, MFX and their dual mixtures OXPT+CHT, OXPT+AZ, OXPT+MPD, and OXPT+MFX against late blight induced by isolate 164 of P. infestans in detached tomato leaves. A- Percent sporulating leaf area. UU = upper leaf surface treated upper leaf surface inoculated. UL = upper leaf surface treated lower leaf surface inoculated. Different letters indicate significant differences between means (t-test, α = 0.05). B and C- ED 90 values derived from A for UU or UL treatments.
