pone.0252200.g002.tif (305.53 kB)

Transcriptome dynamics of Streptococcus parauberis SPOF3K in fish serum and broth medium.

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posted on 2021-05-27, 00:18 authored by Yoonhang Lee, Nameun Kim, HyeongJin Roh, Ahran Kim, Hyun-Ja Han, Miyoung Cho, Do-Hyung Kim

(A) Principle component analysis (PCA) of the SPOF3K transcriptome during culture in olive flounder serum and broth. Each shape represents an individual group. The PCA plot captures the variance in the dataset in terms of the principal components and displays the most significant of these on the x and y axes. The results indicate that the transcriptome data are of high quality, as the triplicate samples are clustered together according to incubation conditions; the 2 and 4 h serum samples were closely related in terms of their transcriptional patterns. (B) Hierarchical clustering heatmap of the expression profiles of all genes (2,135 genes). The colored bars above the heatmap indicate the individual groups. The color key indicates z-score and displays the relative expression levels: green, lowest expression; black, intermediate expression; red, highest expression.
