pone.0258316.g004.tif (280.03 kB)

Transcriptional profiles cluster according to choice of differentiation medium.

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posted on 2021-10-21, 17:30 authored by Paul A. Wilson, Sara Santos Franco, Liu He, Nicholas W. Galwey, Jackie Meakin, Rebecca McIntyre, Simon M. McHugh, Michael A. Nolan, Sarah L. Spain, Thaddeus Carlson, Mercedes Lobera, Justin P. Rubio, Bill Davis, Linda C. McCarthy

Distance matrix and clustering: The DESeq2 dist function was used estimate sample-to-sample Euclidean distances with regard to the normalised log-transformed gene expression profile, and a heatmap generated to visualise sample similarities. The dendrograms indicate that the profiles cluster primarily by differentiation medium (i.e. T cell maintenance cultured samples cluster together (indicated by the green bar), while Th17 stimulated samples group together (indicated by the red bar) and then by subject (i.e. within each incubation culture, samples from a subject are predominantly most similar to each other). Cell colour intensity correlates with the estimated distance between the two samples in question.
