pone.0266586.g008.tif (521.68 kB)

Tracking performance.

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posted on 2023-12-21, 18:28 authored by Dylan B. Snyder, Scott A. Beardsley, Allison S. Hyngstrom, Brian D. Schmit

Tracking period SD of hand speed adaptation over time with possible step increase in adaptation due to application of tendon vibration. A) Theoretical depiction of typical tracking period SD of hand speed adaptation curve and hypothesized TV adaptation curve. When TV is applied near the beginning of the adaptation process [14] there would theoretically be a larger decrease in SD of hand speed than when TV is applied later (current study). B) Stroke SD of hand speed during tracking period. Data were averaged across the 5 stroke participants that received TV during session 1 (Vibe First) and the across the 5 stroke participants that received the sham TV during session 1 (Sham First). The curves above the bar plots display the theoretical tracking period SD of hand speed adaptation curve with the point at which TV was applied. C) Control SD of hand speed during tracking period. Data were averaged across the 5 control participants that received TV during session 1 (Vibe First) and the across the 5 control participants that received the sham TV during session 1 (Sham First). Data for B and C were normalized (for each participant) by calculating the ratio of each condition relative to session 1’s Pre-TV condition. Error bars were withheld for display purposes.
