pone.0297172.g001.tif (203.68 kB)

Tracking COVID-19 lineages in a single building.

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posted on 2024-02-09, 18:25 authored by John Van Dusen, Haley LeBlanc, Nicholas Nastasi, Jenny Panescu, Austin Shamblin, Jacob W. Smith, Michael G. Sovic, Amanda Williams, Mikkel B. M. Quam, Seth Faith, Karen C. Dannemiller

Samples were collected over a 5-month period with a 1-month gap due to a notable reduced campus residential population during the holidays. Each line represents one sample, and the color of the line indicates the estimated frequency of the lineage present in that sample based on measured mutations. There is a gap from November 2021 to January 2022 due to holiday break and a reduced campus residential population.
