pone.0292376.g001.tif (146 kB)

Total adult worker mass of imidacloprid-supplemented and unsupplemented colonies during pre-treatment, post-treatment, and mid-winter evaluations.

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posted on 2024-01-02, 18:51 authored by Mark J. Carroll, Nicholas J. Brown, Dylan Reitz

The adult population sizes of colonies supplemented with 0, 20, or 100 ppb imidacloprid sugar syrup during the treatment phase were estimated by mass at the pre-treatment (August), post-treatment (October), and mid-winter (December) evaluation time points. Error bars are S.E. (colonies n = 16 (0 ppb), n = 15 (20 ppb), or n = 4 (100 ppb, first to last time point)). For a given time point, treatment groups with different letters are significantly different by DSCF (colony ranks).
