pcbi.1011624.g002.tif (3.13 MB)

Top 12 ranked pairwise co-infections in asymptomatic stools.

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posted on 2023-11-24, 00:32 authored by E. Ross Colgate, Connor Klopfer, Dorothy M. Dickson, Benjamin Lee, Matthew J. Wargo, Ashraful Alam, Beth D. Kirkpatrick, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne

Background distributions for each study, blue for MAL-ED and green for PROVIDE, depict the null distribution of expected co-occurrence based on the configuration model for each pathogen pair. Solid colored vertical lines show the observed number of co-occurrences (Obs. CO) standardized by distance from the mean (SD). The solid colored vertical line is not visible for pairs where Obs. CO lies outside of the -4SD to 4SD interval. Dotted vertical lines represent the 95% credible interval (CI) for the expected number of co-occurrences based on the primary null configuration models. Hashed vertical lines show the 99% CI. Pairs are shown from highest ranking in the top left corner to the lowest in the bottom right of the panel. Ranking for each pathogen pair was calculated as the distance (Z score) of the observed absolute number of co-infections from the null mean in units of standard deviation. The study-specific ranks were then averaged to obtain an overall ranking per pathogen pair. ETEC = Enterotoxigenic E. coli. EPEC = Enteropathogenic E. coli. EAEC = Enteroaggregative E. coli. spp. = species. B. fragilis = Bacteroides fragilis.
