pone.0257299.g001.tif (366.76 kB)

Timeline of the study in normal (non-diabetic) and diabetic pigs, showing the growing pre-phase with the two diets to select groups with balanced growth; the induction of D in a subset of animals and the allocation to the treatment groups.

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posted on 2021-10-20, 20:03 authored by Sietse J. Koopmans, Heleen M. M. van Beusekom, F. Josef van der Staay, Gisabeth Binnendijk, Marcel Hulst, Zlaw Mroz, Mariette T. Ackermans, Lambertus Benthem

At week -3, 38 out of 60 pigs with comparable body weight were balanced and selected for the experimental treatments and placed in metabolic cages. At week 0, start of the experimental treatments. L = low fat, low sugar diet, F = fast-food, D&N = diabetic and non-diabetic pigs.
