pone.0263377.g007.tif (640.17 kB)

Time series showing smoothed data from 40 different cameras deployed asynchronously between March 2018 and March 2019.

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posted on 2022-02-02, 18:34 authored by Stephanie M. Bilodeau, Austin W. H. Schwartz, Binfeng Xu, V. Paúl Pauca, Miles R. Silman

(A) Fish probabilities for individual images in halo/reef and seagrass/algae habitats by time of day. Probabilities ranged from 0 to 1 for this dataset, but smoothing visually compresses the highest and lowest probability values on the graph. (B) Fish probabilities for images by date, showing variation over the course of one year at Lighthouse Reef Atoll. Trend lines for all groups were generated using the geom_smooth function with method “loess” in ggplot2 [53]. Light gray shading represents 95% confidence intervals.
