pcbi.1011624.s004.png (255.98 kB)

Time partitioned networks generated by partitioning stool samples based on age at collection.

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posted on 2023-11-24, 00:32 authored by E. Ross Colgate, Connor Klopfer, Dorothy M. Dickson, Benjamin Lee, Matthew J. Wargo, Ashraful Alam, Beth D. Kirkpatrick, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne

Each row represents a study and stool type, and each column represents a time window, either 1, 3 or 6 months. Networks were generated using the same methods as described above, using subsets of the original data based on the time of collection. Connections between pathogens are shown if they were observed to happen greater than ten times, and the saturation of color represents the distance from the null distribution average, where purple (orange) means the co-occurrences occurred higher (lower) than the null distribution, gray indicates the co-occurrences appeared at a rate similar to the average in the null distribution.

