pbio.3001230.s002.tif (477.8 kB)

Time course of dextran uptake in nephrocytes.

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posted on 2021-05-04, 17:51 authored by Aleksandra Lubojemska, M. Irina Stefana, Sebastian Sorge, Andrew P. Bailey, Lena Lampe, Azumi Yoshimura, Alana Burrell, Lucy Collinson, Alex P. Gould

(A, B) Graphs quantify individual uptake (A) and uptake ratio (B) of fluorescently labelled 500-kDa and 10-kDa dextrans as a function of time (min) for ex vivo pericardial nephrocytes. See S1 Data for details of p-values and the type of statistical model used for all graphs in this study. S2 Data provides the source data used for all graphs and statistical analyses.

