pone.0250317.g004.tif (1.72 MB)

Time course of antibody responses from week 0 to week 23.

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posted on 2021-04-22, 18:46 authored by Arlo Randall, Andy Teng, Xiaowu Liang, Sukumar Pal, Alice F. Tarantal, Joseph Fike, Peter A. Barry, Luis M. de la Maza

Each panel presents the time course of antibody responses for one reactive antigen (six monkeys infected at weeks 0 and 14 and mock controls). The x-axis shows the weeks since infection and the y-axis presents the normalized intensity after subtracting the week 0 intensity for each monkey. Infected monkeys are shown with red lines and mock control monkeys are shown with dark gray lines. Vertical dashed lines indicate the first (black: week 0) and second (blue: week 14) infections.
