pntd.0009418.g006.tif (337.93 kB)

Time-varying reproduction number estimates for the 1954–1955 MAYV outbreak in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

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posted on 2021-06-03, 17:41 authored by Edgar-Yaset Caicedo, Kelly Charniga, Amanecer Rueda, Ilaria Dorigatti, Yardany Mendez, Arran Hamlet, Jean-Paul Carrera, Zulma M. Cucunubá

Mayaro fever cases (left axis and bars) overlaid with estimates of the reproduction number, R, over time (right axis, running 4-week average shown, centred on the middle week). Blue shaded areas show 95% CrI around the median estimated R. Yellow shaded areas show the part of the time series used to estimate R. The threshold value R = 1 is indicated by the horizontal dashed line.
