pone.0290823.g002.tif (352.43 kB)

Three types of missing data for health service records in Malawi DHIS2 system.

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posted on 2024-01-17, 18:26 authored by Bingling She, Tara D. Mangal, Anna Y. Adjabeng, Tim Colbourn, Joseph H. Collins, Eva Janoušková, Ines Li Lin, Emmanuel Mnjowe, Sakshi Mohan, Margherita Molaro, Andrew N. Phillips, Paul Revill, Robert Manning Smith, Pakwanja D. Twea, Dominic Nkhoma, Gerald Manthalu, Timothy B. Hallett

*These are approximate numbers, as the numbers of facilities with expected reports vary among different reports (e.g., HMIS report: 683 facilities, Maternity report: 575, EPI report: 694).
