pbio.3002512.g002.tif (2.2 MB)

Theta-gamma PAC during encoding and retention.

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posted on 2024-03-05, 18:29 authored by Arthur Borderie, Anne Caclin, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Marcela Perrone-Bertollotti, Roxane S. Hoyer, Philippe Kahane, Hélène Catenoix, Barbara Tillmann, Philippe Albouy

(A) Top: Time-frequency plot of mean gamma power modulation time-locked to a 4-Hz (theta) oscillation during encoding in the right and left median belt (n = 7). Bottom: Theta (4 Hz) cycles for a 1-s time window. Source data can be found at (B) Memory vs. perception contrast during retention. Top: SEEG contacts (left hippocampus (2 SEEG contacts, n = 2) and right auditory areas (15 SEEG contacts, n = 1)) showing a significant increase of theta (4 Hz)–gamma (30–90 Hz) PAC strength for memory trials as compared to perception trials during the silent (retention) delay (6 tones, 2 s retention period). All results are displayed on the single subject T1 in the MNI space provided by SPM12. Source data can be found at (C) Bar plot shows theta-gamma PAC values averaged over trials and participants for memory and perception conditions for the significant SEEG contacts displayed in (B). Circles show individual trials. Source data can be found at (D). T-values for the co-modulogram (in SEEG contacts identified in B) for memory versus perception contrast (p < .05, FDR corrected). Source data can be found at
