pone.0291741.g006.tif (502.25 kB)

These histograms show the recall, precision, and F1-score of different methods validation on HG002 and CHM13 in different long-read data.

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posted on 2024-01-05, 18:35 authored by Yan Zheng, Xuequn Shang

(a) The recall of DELs validation for HG002 and CHM13 in ONT and pacbio data. (b) The recall of INSs validation for HG002 and CHM13 in ONT and pacbio data. (c) The precision of DELs validation for HG002 and CHM13 in ONT and pacbio data. (d) The precision of INSs validation for HG002 and CHM13 in ONT and pacbio data. (e) The F1-score of DELs validation for HG002 and CHM13 in ONT and pacbio data. (f) The F1-score of INSs validation for HG002 and CHM13 in ONT and pacbio data. As shown in the figure, we can see that SVvalidation can achieve the best results in the recall, precision, and F1-score.
