pgen.1009947.s010.tif (2.68 MB)

The yeast one-hybrid assay revealed that Srp and Stat92e bind to the crq promoter and drpr promoter, respectively.

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posted on 2021-12-03, 18:30 authored by Qian Zheng, Ning Gao, Qiling Sun, Xiaowen Li, Yanzhe Wang, Hui Xiao

A. Schematic diagram showing the domain of the crq promoter used for the yeast one-hybrid assay. B. The yeast one-hybrid assay shows the interactions between Srp-AD, Bfc-AD, Stat92e-AD, and the crq promoter. C. Schematic diagram showing the domain of the drpr promoter used for the yeast one-hybrid assay. D. The yeast one-hybrid shows the interactions between Srp-AD, Bfc-AD, Stat92e-AD, and the drpr promoter.

