pone.0263464.g003.tif (241.86 kB)

The translation of ALBI and CLDQ scores in the prospective study.

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posted on 2022-02-03, 18:44 authored by Akira Sakamaki, Masaaki Takamura, Norihiro Sakai, Yusuke Watanabe, Yoshihisa Arao, Naruhiro Kimura, Toru Setsu, Hiroyuki Abe, Takeshi Yokoo, Hiroteru Kamimura, Shunsuke Tsubata, Nobuo Waguri, Toru Ishikawa, Hirokazu Kawai, Soichi Sugitani, Tomomi Sato, Kazuhiro Funakoshi, Masashi Watanabe, Kentarou Igarashi, Kenya Kamimura, Atsunori Tsuchiya, Yutaka Aoyagi, Shuji Terai

In the 16 cases of the cirrhosis progression group, the median ALBI score worsened from −2.08 to −1.78 (P < 0.001), whereas in the 30 cases of the non-progression group, the median ALBI score significantly improved from −2.15 to −2.43 (P < 0.001, A). Similar to the above, the median CLDQ score worsened from 5.3 to 4.9 (P = 0.034) in the cirrhosis progression group, whereas the median CLDQ score improved from 5.1 to 5.6 (P = 0.018, B) in the non-progression group. ALBI, albumin–bilirubin; CLDQ, Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire. Error bar, standard deviation of each data.
