pone.0261170.g007.tif (452.87 kB)

The sequence context of the RBMX2 (11,688bp) gene.

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posted on 2021-12-16, 18:49 authored by Pia Laine, William J. Rowell, Lars Paulin, Steve Kujawa, Denise Raterman, George Mayhew, Jennifer Wendt, Daniel L. Burgess, Timo Partonen, Tiina Paunio, Petri Auvinen, Jenny M. Ekholm

(a) The RBMX2 gene sequence was aligned against itself. The red lines represent sequence homologies between sequences on the same strand, while blue lines represent sequence homologies on the antisense strand. The 330bp Alu element deletion in intron 3 is marked with a black box. (b) The intron 3 sequence is aligned in the RBMX2 gene against itself. Again, the 330bp deletion is marked with a black box. (c) The 330bp deleted Alu element sequence is aligned against itself.
