pone.0297159.g003.tif (227.92 kB)

The proportion of HIV-negative LCWI pneumonia cases that would have been admitted to hospital and the proportion of all deaths that may have therefore occurred in hospital, under 8 different clinical management scenarios.

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posted on 2024-03-11, 17:40 authored by Katherine E. Gallagher, Juliet O. Awori, Maria D. Knoll, Julia Rhodes, Melissa M. Higdon, Laura L. Hammitt, Christine Prosperi, Henry C. Baggett, W. Abdullah Brooks, Nicholas Fancourt, Daniel R. Feikin, Stephen R. C. Howie, Karen L. Kotloff, Milagritos D. Tapia, Orin S. Levine, Shabir A. Madhi, David R. Murdoch, Katherine L. O’Brien, Donald M. Thea, Vicky L. Baillie, Bernard E. Ebruke, Alice Kamau, David P. Moore, Lawrence Mwananyanda, Emmanuel O. Olutunde, Phil Seidenberg, Samba O. Sow, Somsak Thamthitiwat, J. Anthony G. Scott

The line links ‘efficient’ scenarios that minimise potentially unnecessary hospitalisation of cases. Scenario C: If all children with malnutrition (low or very low mid-upper-arm circumference or weight-for-age scores) were admitted to hospital but well-nourished children were treated at home: 16% of the PERCH LCWI cases would have been admitted, including 53% of the deaths. Scenario G: If LCWI pneumonia cases with hypoxaemia, or HIV exposure, or low MUAC/WAZ were admitted: 40% of the LCWI cases would have been admitted, including 86% of the deaths. Scenario H: If LCWI pneumonia cases with low MUAC/WAZ or those HIV exposed were admitted: 23% of all LCWI cases would have been admitted, including 71% of the deaths. Scenario I: If LCWI pneumonia cases with any ‘underlying condition’ as per IMCI guidelines were admitted i.e. those severely malnourished (WFH z-score <-3 regardless of age, or MUAC <115 mm for children ≥ 6 months, or pedal oedema on admission, or admission diagnosis of kwashiorkor), or children who were HIV exposed or premature and <6 months of age or with a diagnosis on admission of: heart disease, developmental delays, or congenital abnormalities (e.g. Trisomy 21, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency): 24% of all LCWI cases would have been admitted, including 66% of the deaths. See S6 Table in S1 File for the complete list of scenarios examined.
